Tuesday October 25, 2011

Yesterday I started to read my new book “Brian’s Return” by the author Gary Paulsen. It’s well put together and very intriuging. So far Brian has decided to return to the woods and is pretending to stay with his friends that own a fishing camp, the SmallHorns. He flew in on a bush plane but the plane couldn’t take him all the way so he still has to paddle about another hundred miles up the lakes. He had a good start on his journey when all of a sudden a doe jumped into his canoe. The doe ended up flipping the canoe over and soaking him so he had to set up camp along the shore to dry everything out. It was a very eventful couple chapters. So far I am enjoying this book and can’t wait to see what happens next.


Monday October 31, 2011

Today I finished My book “Brian’s Return” . The ending was very interesting because the author  decides to leave you hanging. Brian decides not to go straight to the  Small Horns camp because he decides to follow his medicine. He learns his medicine (the white-tail dear) from a man named Billy who shows up at one of his camps along shore. Billy disappears from his camp quite quickly leaving him but one thing to remember him by, a leather necklace with a white-tailed deer tail and a raven feather because Billy’s medicine is a raven. This book was really enjoyable and very intriguing I can’t wait to get started on my next Gary Paulsen book!

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