My art piece has been inspired by Piet Mondrian by using bold black lines, dominant shapes, and four colors. My first proof, bold black lines shows really well with my outlined circles. Some circles have thinner lines, some with fairly large lines, and some with thick, dark lines. My second reason to prove it is inspired by Piet’s art pieces, is that I have a dominant shape which is a circle. The circles really stand out amongst the paper and they out-shine all the other shapes. I know that when someone views my art piece they will notice that I have chosen circles for my main shape. My last proof, is that I have used four different colors in my art. Light blue, pink, purple, and green all work well together and really help make the piece beautiful just like Piet Mondrian’s paintings. Piet Mondrian’s paintings are very inspiring and I would hope that my painting does reflect some of Piet’s art styles.

To find out more about Piet Mondrian, check out his Wikipedia information. As well, if you would like to play a Piet Mondrian -style game of pac man check out this site.

To find out more about Piet Mondrian, check out his Wikipedia Information. As well, if you would like to play a Piet Mondrian style game of pac-man check out this site.

2 responses »

  1. Great write-up, (and great writing!). I like the circles in your inspired piece (may I say they are a bit ‘groovy’?). I think you should put that up in your room when I give it back to you (or better yet, in your mom’s kitchen!!!).

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